Did you know that there is no such thing as a “diabetic diet”? In fact, healthy eating to prevent or treat diabetes is no different than healthy eating for someone without these concerns. After eating, your blood sugar level will increase to varying degrees based on the amount and type of starches and sweets you ate. In addition, when you eat these carbohydrate-rich foods plays a role in whether your blood sugar goes up a lot or a little. So avoiding all starches and sweets when you have prediabetes or diabetes is not necessary; however, making some changes in the amount, type and time you eat carb-rich foods is important. Let me help you do this.
3 common mistakes that people often make when trying to prevent or manage diabetes.
When you are just starting to make changes in your eating habits, it is easy to get discouraged. Especially if you often say to yourself “I should be doing this” and “I must stop doing that”. I make getting healthy easier for my clients by first identifying what they are doing that is making it hard for them to succeed. Are you making one of these common mistakes?
Mistake #1: Assuming that a sugar-free piece of cake or muffin is a better choice. Unfortunately, these foods still have a lot of calories and contain mostly refined white flour without much fiber, so they may still raise blood sugar levels.
Mistake #2: Consuming too many calories. Many people with prediabetes and type 2 diabetes benefit from losing weight. However, they often consume too many calories from healthy foods! I will show you how to recognize what stomach hunger and fullness feel like so it is easier to stop eating before you consume too much.
Mistake #3: Setting unrealistic goals. If you try to make too drastic of a change all at once, you are setting yourself up for failure. Small changes can lead to big success! So rather than waiting until you are super motivated to get started, I encourage my clients to take a series of small steps to get them to their goal. Take the first step now.
Are You Concerned That Nutrition Counseling Will Cost Too Much?
Here is the good news! Your health insurance company may pay for you to work with me to help you change your diet and improve your health. I accept the following insurance plans: Aetna, CDPHP, Cigna, Empire BCBS and MVP. If your plan has preventative benefits you may have no copay or deductible due!
Recipe Development with Nutritional Analysis:
- Restaurants
- Publications
- Consumers
Nutritional Counseling
(Online or Office Visit):
- Weight loss and weight management
- Nutrition therapy for eating disorders
- Individual counseling and education for prediabetes and diabetes
- Chronic health and dietary problems
- Optimal health development
Public Speaking & Program Development
- Corporations
- Resorts
- Health care settings
- Media features
Don’t Let Prediabetes or Diabetes Control Your Life
As a chef, registered dietitian nutritionist and certified diabetes educator I can help you put an end to the fear, confusion and frustration of living with diabetes. Take the first step to reverse prediabetes with personal nutrition counseling.